
Team ISTIAN won third price at APSCO Micro-satellite Contest (24 Oct – 02 Nov 2019), Xi’an China

Proud moment to share that three teams led by following students participated in the Micro-satellite Training and competed in the Design Contest against 35 teams from 9 different countries 

1. Team ISTIAN led by M Basit Chohan, from Institute of Space Technology Islamabad, Project Titled 'Design of an innovative platform for 3U CubeSat'

2. A-Tea led by Ghayas Latif, from GC University Lahore, Project Titled 'Load design of Micro-satellite'

3. Team Pakistan led by Zainullah Khan, from BUITEMS Quetta, Project Titled 'Climate swarm for imaging the earth to find trends in deforestation and melting of glaciers to analyze the effect of climate change'

Team ISTIAN won 3rd Prize, beating 24 teams in the finale and winning cash award of 5000 RMB


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